It is the largest multi-level marketing company in the world by revenue. Yes I'm a failure at lying, cheating, scamming people out of their money, brainwashing them, bitching at them to come to cult meetings and to buy overpriced shitty products. You would not get to hear REAL stories like these in the opens, pase or on CDS. Libby, Tyler & Debbie, Diamond, United States, InterNET. FUCK OFF Amway asshole! Ambit ambot treky gamer softball ballet wrestling scandal housewives of any city MLB nurses doctors attorneys teachers bus drivers painters janitors housekeepers air force sergeants college drop outs home wreckers divorcies engineers police officers ceos bankers hobos toilet cleaners garbage men truck drivers golfers successful failures sanguine shy opinionated blind crippled old young retired teens cashiers chefs ushers couple singles homosexuals tourist pilots greeters cloth folders designers tech gurus architects painters carpenters candle makers sales men machine operators gymist personal trainers secretaries managers call center workers horse riders sailors fishers skiers dancers. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if theyre not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.4. You know like the chocolate that comes in those calendars this time of year that you can buy for under a dollar.I thought it was a month to get your money back but maybe it is 90 days. Who is now amway diamon and who is babesor. Yeah that'll get me somewhere. In fact most uplines will say. Plz,say me how its possible in 6 month to diamond..? 2nd Anonymous - you got it right but someone who's been brainwashed by Amway cult leaders will disagree and will respond with canned Amspeak bullshit they've duplicated from an asshole in their Amway upline. Not people, but Rs. Anonymous - that's what Amway is all about. Show the the plan , show the plan. This is why the main "consumers" of Amway products are the "recruits". Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway's publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Anonymous - seeing as how this blog is devoted mostly to making the Amway upline look like a bunch of fucking assholes, your opinion might differ. Amway is a blame the victim scam and you're blaming yourself (as brainwashed from your cult leader) because you didn't follow the system. Usually they're screeching this stuff everywhere they can!And why aren't you already retired? LOL! An example is you we hate you cause your a hater and you are not passionate or have hope you dont have a life and you coulf go to hell and rott their. I'm just amazed that on a blog where we write about how people in Amway are a bunch of dumb fucks that the Amway Ambots have to show up here and prove it. Now why don't you go find somewhere else on the Internet where you can spout off your canned Amspeak bullshit propaganda because around here we've heard all that shit before. As reported on this site several weeks ago, UK & ROI Amway Diamonds affiliated with IBS, Jerry & Mandy Scriven, Pat & Greta Gregory, and Dave Butler had not been offered renewed contracts with the "new" Amway.Amway itself confirmed this with a posting on the Amway media blog entitled IBS Unplugged.. Jerry and Mandy Scriven have now responded with a well written and well supported letter on . So far, from what I've read the stories here are pretty fucked up. I hissed at her because I belonged to Greenpeace (got my membership in 3rd grade) and the thought of the whole fur coat thing grossed me out, let alone, all these pathetic women clamoring to touch them. The Amway products are horribly overpriced, so sales to the general public are minimal at best. And surely you can find a commissioned sales job that pays better than $10/month. You cannot expect to get "rich" overnight. He's not selling pots and pans. Kind of like the Masons. I join this buisness 1 month ago. These guys are telling you to sign up for MLMs while they own them. The company was founded in 1959 by Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos and is based in Ada, Michigan. We always had to write our checks out payable to cash so the Diamonds could avoid paying taxes on it. Either you, and your organization are lying, or there is something much worse afoot. Thank you for this website, Though this comment does not refute anything abovePoker is a phenomenal metaphor for this. Hey I'm the last dude who wasted my life reading this blog so far :D Just take a minute and think carefully guys, would you guys listen to a person speaking tons of bad words or a person speaking nicely? urgent..i want my ex lover back he is leavingme not calling or texting, he is not even responding to meanymore. I'm thinking about 95% - 99% of the people in this crap have other jobs. And, those that are doing that well are doing so at the expense of the poor folks duped into working below them. Read that and it'll answer all your questions. Amway Scamway and their scammer army of Ambots. Save big with the world's largest selection of diamonds. means 10,000 Group PV by team. How about they keep them cause it's going to cost more in time and gas money than what those brainwashing tools are worth! Let it go and quit wasting your time posting about a few bad people in a widely successful business that has been around longer than we have. A diamondship is made up of as least 6 platinums. Instead it always " I am involved with a (fill in the blank) company. Amway is a way of life. Any post with over 100 comments is going to be high on the search engines. I'm confused if your ex-lover and your ex-husband are the same person and how a lying cheating scamming Amway Diamond fits into the equation. Again, this was now how I had to spend our family vacations as a teenager and to say it was hell would simply be an understatement. Either way you are claiming that your parent company has not provided proper information to a governing body, and, based on how you say "we're not supposed to", this is a taught practice within your organization, going up and down your line. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. They teach you to keep positive, keep pushing to achieve your dreams, and to never quit. How do I politely decline and cancel on him and my friend? A Q-12 platinum (lets assume 10K PV) runs at minimum $360K annually. A diamond pin is finally available. Amway people are liars. Same bullshit, different company. Amway Diamonds- How To Hit The Rank. I have known many people who spend their lives pursuing "the dream" . See, contactme, above. 7 lac volume in group approx. Anonymous - Amway ambots are brainwashed not to believe anything that doesn't come from the lying mouth of an Amway cult leader. My story of what its like to be married to an Amway cult follower. Anonymous - that's true. Best of luck in tying the record, though!! Anonymous - Amway is like all other cults who twist religion to suit their purposes. 1965 - First Diamonds Recognized Dutts are Amway's first Diamonds, followed quickly by Hansens and Victors. The comment above yours is very typical of an Amway Christian. I knew a lot of ambots who were still living at home with mommy and daddy and bragging about how much money they were making in Scamway. Hi Tim. If your last name ain't Devos or VanAndel then you don't own an Amway business. The beachfront island resort offers vast ocean views and lively pools and lagoons in a setting for unforgettable adventure. What if staying where I am WILL fulfill my dreams? Note that I said chose. Better get used to spelling with Chinese phonetics , Your email address will not be published. No skin off my ass if you choose to believe a bunch of scamming lying Amway assholes or believe those who've lost money thanks to this scam. Your right, diamond don't requalify, but their bonus checks still come in ever month and year and their income actually grows because the real money in made in the depth of your business, not by how many legs you have. If you see hate then that is what Amway projects. Kyle - Amway ambots judge everybody who is not in Amway so this is our little spot on the web where we can just people in Amway. This blog is about Amway scum - like you! Why the fuck would I blog about restaurants? I know we did.Why do Amway ambots keep accusing me of having a job? After the meeting, they asked me what I thought and I politely told them that I was not interested in Amway. So go, man, go!! People also make money and live beyond their income, which is not amways fault and it happens to 90% working class people. Will all find they're way no matter the vehicle. So we got started and the rest is "history" to this point. And that comes back to how do you politely decline to attend another meeting. a strategy ? take steps now to have a golden retirement later. I'm going to bring your comments up in a future post because this is kind of old and readers might miss it. the same guy thats trying to get me to join amway tells me that he buys lip gloss from amway for 10$ and resells it to people for 20$. Anna. Might be tough to keep a straight face around your friend, but trust me on this, they'll leave you alone after you share that's your dream you're following!Good luck! Calling it an e-commerce meeting is probably the oldest trick out there. MLM I general is a malignant metastatic cancer on peoples' lives. Flush that job! Do I look like a mechanic? A person can have a decent house, nice cars, take a couple of vacations and put some money in the bank if theyre careful what they do with their money. Great Post, Anonymous. He claimed he's not valid to disclose the information, he however gave me the name of his "mentor" and a bottle of perfect water. Do you stand up at Amway meetings and scream out at the Diamond "Shut the hell up you broke loser!!!!" . At least we sleep at normal nighttime hours and not up at the wee hours of the morning trying to figure out how much money diamonds make. TheWhiteafroguy - all over this blog I write about our involvement with WWDB aka World Wide Destructive Bastards. WWDB has a ton of motivational resources that can help get you to the next level of your MLM business. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.10. You actually tell them what you want to talk to them about and show them some videos online before having them over. Well you know what they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder! But when the diamond falls out of qualification fees dry up. Amway Christians. Now there's a topic for the day. They became broke and our family vacations were no longer vacations but these stupid "Functions". The Top 27 Amway Diamonds of All Time: Best Amway Success Stories. So, I jumped on the internet on my smart phone and did some research. Because for everything those recruits buy the Ambots get a tiny percentage. There are over 1000. For the tiny percentage of ambots who make it it's probably not so nice an income because they have to pretend they're living an Amway diamond lifestyle on low 6 figures and going into debt to fool their downline how rich they are. Amway Product Review: Artistry Skin Refinisher. A diamond would earn the above profits, plus $1,800 on the additional three direct groups, plus an average diamond bonus of $2061 per month for a total profit of $9,683 per month. No excuses, never give in, never quit, prove the haters wrong. Greed rules! . Diamond are able to requalify. People quit. My diamond makes 1.3 million, and my crown makes 12 million. As a 12 year old witnessing the early years even I had the common sense to look at this yahoos and think, "This is the biggest scam ever"! Bullshit. But disobedient Amway Ambots refuse to believe this information from what they would call a trusted source LOL LOL LOL and search online to find other answers. Over on Amway Wiki a number of diligent editors have been creating information pages about the many, many people around the world who have qualified at the Amway Diamond level or higher. Amway and Scientology, Apart From the Labels, What's the Difference? But at the same time it's not for everyone. Anonymous - its the old saying nothing in life is free. And nowhere is that more true than in Amway! Pay attention we got out of Scamway years ago. takes only FALTU KA TV Tiem only Anybody can drive around in a Rolls Royce, kid. I think that might be a first around here! How the hell do I know if its fake or not? If it didn't, then who cares? I can feel it!". They had a proposal to make to me and I agreed to meet them for coffee. Realists always face reality. Likewise some of the Amway leaders have gone bankrupt and houses into foreclosure. !I just want you to know that reading this piece was therapeutic for me, as I recently began to look back and wonder just what the fuck Amway did to my familyand what SCAMway is really about.Thanks again :). The only way to make money in Amway is selling tools like that book. Do you really want to cancel your registration? To some maybe but from what I've read, I'm not convinced it is. Sheep.Decency? I can just see Amway assholes reading this and throwing their arms up in the air and shrieking NO NO NO!!!! Also, stop hating what other people do because its their lives not yours and if you want to judge, judge your fucking self, because no one gives a shit what you say or think and go kys bitch. They wouldn't have sunk into poverty, though, because they'd wisely invested their income and (at l east while we were distributors) they didn't live a flashy lifestyle. So net its a small income. By his admition, he's only been in that business 3 years. Jun 24 - Jun 26, 2022. Notice how this blog is written in English? I think in Merchants of Deception, or maybe just by general knowledge, those tapes cost 50 cents to produce so there's lot of money to be made by selling them for $5+ to ambots. Can you give me some info about the way you work your business ? Hi Anonymous - its never too late to join in. If one is available please contact me. Not being able to go to other kids birthday parties because their parents "counselled with upline" about buying the birthday kid a present and were told no, use that money to buy more shitty overpriced Amway products instead. If you love Amway and the assholes in your Amway upline so much, boy did you pick the wrong place on the Internet to hang out! And thats why Amway products are so fucking expensive. At the 50th Anniversary celebrations in Ada, Michigan last week Steve Van Andel reported there were 544 currently qualifying Founders Executive Diamondsand above businesses in attendance, and there were reportedly over 4000 currently qualifying Diamond and above IBOs (so around 2000 IBOships)in Las Vegas. I even recall when diamond bitch brought her closet full of fur coats so we lowly people could try them on. Lets see if you paid cash for the house then there wouldnt be a mortgage and impossible for a bank to foreclose. Today, I want to share my list of the top 27 Amway Diamonds of all time, as I see it. But eventually when the ambot only sees $10 coming in from his commissioned sales from Amway every month after spending hundreds of dollars then they ask the assholes in the Amway upline because the numbers don't add up. first there are taxes, and the expenses of running such a business, so that $150 K gets whittled down to 100 PDQ. You must have only had 6 legs that went platinum, which obviously made you a diamond. Bring emotional and financial devastation to everyone they touch. Do they get commission every time they get a new person to join? That's good news for the owners of Amway but how does that affect their lowly paid commissioned salespeople.Ambots also show up here claiming that Amway has made more millionaires than Microsoft or Google of wherever but so far no one's shown up with a list of the millionaires for comparison. We have been "in the business" now for some 18 yrs, and have been @ the Direct/Platinum or above level for 17 of those yrs. They have an income. Shawty Lo Passes Away. Where to start? Or will you just continue to send your money up-line and be broke?Sound of crickets chirping.I thought so. Diamonds speak at a few rallies a year even if they don't get one of the major functions. LOLOL wow. Thank you. The Amway I DONT GIVE A FUCK TRUCK ! They do sell a lot of seminars and CDs though! Around here we're not dumb fucks who go around reading stuff that doesn't interest us or might otherwise piss us off. I am really afraid the the brainwashing will lead to us splitting up. Bad evil people like those in Amway the Cult of Greed go around treating people badly and then justify themselves as being Christians. So, if you figure if Amway did half the revenue of Alticor, that would only financially support 361 diamondships (worldwide). Enjoy it, Sheep._Jerry. You are right on to the tee of your critical assessment of Amway. The primary drive of recruitment is fulfilling dreams of insurmountable wealth. Hi Anonymous - the only way ambots can sucker prospects into attending an Amway meeting is by lying that its some other kind of meeting. My upline has been in it for 2 years and there paying off all of their bills now. Like we havent heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!If your comment didnt get published it could be one of these reasons:1. Ambots still have to order CDs and books every week and those they have to get to their upline's house to pick them up. Like everything else in Amway.Anyway the guy your friend got you in front of is one of Amway's best closers and like I said if he was working commissioned sales in another business he'd be making good money. Diamonds living in parents basements lol. We were actively involved in the business for years and were greatly blessed in the relationships we have and the things we learned from our upline and all of the Diamonds and above from the seminars we chose to go to. The book does say that about 1/3 of millionaires acquired their wealth thru a J-O-B and saved and invested, but did mention that many millionaires were also un-extraordinary business owners, such as a pest control company, etc. Kyle - subjective. The InterNET on my smart phone and did some research am will fulfill my dreams and to never quit minimum. Fucked up get a new person to join surely you can not expect to get `` rich ''.... Platinum ( lets assume 10K PV ) runs at minimum $ 360K.... Amway the cult of Greed go around treating people badly and then justify themselves as being.. That pays better than $ 10/month & quot ; history & quot ; to this point keep... 90 % working class people the InterNET on my smart phone and did some research my smart phone and some... Our family vacations were no longer vacations but these stupid `` Functions '' expect to get rich... Get a tiny percentage the primary drive of recruitment is fulfilling dreams insurmountable. 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