Closing the door behind you, you walked over to Taehyung who was playing some games on his phone and asked him where Jin was. You snapped your head to him, your mouth open in surprise. He immediately straigtened on his chair, focusing on the sound his ears picked up and listened attentively as he stood u while following the sound and stopped at the door where it could be heard loud and clear, his heart shattering at the broken sobs leaving your mouth, your heart aching, needing to release the hurt it must be feeling. It wasnt almost noticable. What I am trying to say is, listen to your own words y/n. He noticed how your bright smile wasnt as bright anymore and when he looked into your eyes he didnt see the sparkle, he did not see the joy and if you asked him what he saw instead? I wont Yoongi, I am so sorry. Babe? I still remember Seokjins face when I told them to help me with the dance. You snapped out of your thoughts, jumped from the sudden touch but calmed down when your eyes fell on the familiar face and smiled at him. With a big sigh you stood up, happily creating distance between you and the book, leaving the living room in quick steps. With one arm draped over him, your chin resting on his head, you had pulled him closer to your chest as the other arm slid under his neck, using your arm as a pillow for him. or did he finally get tired of your lazy ass. this time he laughed, punching your arm quite hard. You know what is like to work hard for what you want and it has to be that way. Seokjin, did you call my mother? Your mind and heart happy, your body as relaxed as it could be. Is it okay for me to come in? you heard him ask, his voice soft and dripping with pain caused a new set of tears to roll down, feeling awful you were hurting him like this. Silently comforting the love of your life as he comforted you. BTS reaction to you having a cold and they have to take care of you. Your fingers curled around his, slowly prying them off, his eyes widening when he felt your arms slipping away. Koreaboo. Oh shit! you totally forgot about the food. You shook your head and pulled the other way. I, myself am super clumsy. Just sit down he pushed you down on the chair where as Jungkook was now leaving the kitchen. He pulled you into his arms, softly patting your back and stroking your neck trying to calm you down but he was very quiet, too quiet for you liking and so the tears kept flowing afraid he thought he wasnt good enough. Not wanting to burst into tears infront of everyone. Why was he with you? Dont forget that Bangtan loves you, so please do love them back kindly . At least my baby knows whats best for her Jungkook smiled, leaning down to peck your lips, arm secure around your shoulder. I talked to your brother and asked him if he could arrange this with your grandparents since you miss them so much and well they were so excited that they wanted to talk to you today so his hands squeezed your shoulders reassuring this was real. The earthy scent after rain, smells refreshing right? The couple of steps to the livingroom felt like meters to him except he never expected to see you there sitting near the window, rubbing the back of your head as you sobbed out words he couldnt understand due to your crying. He was totally jealous, he just didnt want to admit it. Im hurt sweets.. You can just ask me, no need to make such a commotion.. He was your boyfriend, you shouldnt have to and you knew you would not have to aswell. A chuckle left his sinful lips as he threw an arm around your waist to pull you closer. You, however were staring at the painting hanging on the wall as you thought about a story that could fit with the canvas. Being jealous shows the other, they still care. Eventhough Jungkook heard the lock turning and his name reached his ears. Do you understand? he nodded his head, his face no longer hiding in your sweater, now laying on your shoulder as he drew little circles on your neck. you began to admire its beauty, its personality. Stop that y/n, you will only hurt yourself. Namjoons voice suddenly spoke worriedly, approaching you in quick steps. Subscribe and join the #DemPeople crew! The only thing he has to do is smile and you will be cured and thats exactly what he is going to do. Thank you so much. At first he would look at you like this because how dare you to snap at him while he was trying to make you feel better. You tried to tell yourself that, you tried to tell yourself that it was alright. he couldnt help but cry when you told him. I think it does. Youve been acting weird since the morning Jimin. you eyed him suspiciously. You knew it didnt go unnoticed, The only light that shone in your house was by this window, so ofcourse he had seen you, clearly. Now, please return the ring where you got it from and we will discuss your punishment later. Oh are you making fun of me now? this time he slammed it close on purpose. Yoongi hyung talked to me. Its like the universe are telling us that we need to release our worries, so we can feel refreshed again, feel relieved. A/N: these are probs gonna be really long lol. No! If you want to thank me for taking care of you than bring some food the next time okay? You were sitting on the ground, pen in your mouth, a paper in one hand and in the other hand a calculator switching your sight between the two. Hearing Yoongi mumble that you both were unbelievable and Seokjin whining over the waisted food you both bursted out in laughter because clumsly couple striked again. Take today for example. The buzzing of your phone, snapped you out of your daze. The man youve loved for 2 years was standing in the same room as you, brown orbs fixated on you, watching you closely as he approached you. And thats when you broke down. Raising an eyebrow at his behavior, you watched how he sat down at te desk, turning his back to you. And thank you for requesting aswell :) Hopefully you will enjoy reading this and maybe it will brighten up your day ^^. You had come here with a good mood but it instantly dropped when you greeted your boyfriend with a quick kiss on the lips. It is not. No, no that cant be it either. Yoongi shook his head in denial. Hmm you know I love you everyday more and more he whispered in your ear and you giggled. Seokjin who had been asleep all this time, began to blink, slowly coming back to conciousness. Hope you like this reaction and stay healthy! Yes? you asked yourself more than you answered your friend. Did someone accidently leave it behind or did someones plastic bag break causing the chestnuts to tumble out. Rubbing your eyes to make sure you werent seeing things, you gulped, the cornes of your lips curling up in a careful smile, eyes avoiding his. youre right. Min Yoongi and this dumbass is hopelessly in love with you. Struggling means youre getting better time by time. I should do that kind of stuff with you and not suddenly mister overfriendly! the chair flew back against the desk from the sudden and abrupt movement he made to stand up. Tears threatened to roll down however you refused to shed a single tear not wanting to give them the satisfactioncause to you it felt like they wanted to see the students struggle, wanted to see every single one of them panick and afterwards when the major of studentssurprisingly passed the tests and essays after they checked and read it over 10 more times for any mistakes they maybe have missed, the paper will be dumped on your table, muttering awell done before walking away. You dont have to tell me babe. he winked, moving his arm around your shoulder. I am in my room if you need something okay? Everyone nodded their heads. BTS reaction to you being chubby and going on a diet . Yes you liked to relax, just you werent a person to sleep in the middle of a day since you wouldnt be able to sleep at night. Jimin was enjoying some alone time in the garden, absorbing some sun when he heard some rustling. It was no surprise really. Youre kind but can discipline people too if they have done wrong even if its the president you wouldnt care. You didnt have to do all this but I really appreciate it and to my suprise its all still intact. It is not. Hoseok snuggled closer, hiding his face against your tummy, his hands holding your waist carefully. Your eyes roamed around the room but you could not find the person you were looking for. Aaaawhh how sweet of you. Gosh what a pervert. Seokjin who was walking beside him bursted out in laughter while Hoseok quickly snatched the toy from the ground and brought it back to his owner, apologizing over and over again while scrathing his neck in embarrasment, the mother of the child silently judging him. Well now I think about it. Yes it was funny and sweet but where did she get those stuffed animals from? You were getting desperate, doing anything to get his attention. I know you dont do it on purpose but honestly sometimes I think you do because its the third shirt this week you washed to hot. - Bandmate Having A Crush On You. Im stuck and I swear it is laughing at me. Its good for you too. He'd love how your voice sounds when you say it, but knowing the meaning he'd be scared at how attracted he is to you when you say Papi poor Jin. You were talking with Yoongi. The phone stopped and you sighed but the screen lighted up again, Jimin was still trying to reach you. Your eyes widened at first but a laugh escaped your mouth. The way you both.. he hesitated, his fingers playing with his shirt nervously. Im sorry I should not have ignored you. I mean I can kind of understand where youre coming from. Im not really known with the measurement inches so I wouldnt really know how tall you are but I assume youre not that tall if you say so :p. Anyways I hope this is something you had in mind and enjoy reading. You especially dont care about that. You know I woke up wet this morning, thinking of you., Did you now? after 3 hours strolling and searching he stumbled upon a small shop full of small porcelain items and a particular colour caught his eye immediately. I know how it is to be clumsy. As he entered the kitchen he saw you eyeing the bag in his hands. BTS reaction to you catching them cheating on you. That would be an explation or just hoping that your braincells would wake up, providing you with inspiration. but I guess its the fact that you feel to lowly for me which I dont understand. You are in your school years, you should live, go to the beach and go for ice cream dates with your awesome boyfriend. Browse; Paid Stories . Youre only human afterall. Dont be afraid to ask for help okay. He laced his fingers with yours and sat down next to you, grabbing the inked filled paper, he read it carefully over, humming here and then. I could only think of you leaving me and began to cry. I love you! you shouted after you stepped under the luke warm water. The chatter immediately filled the air as you opened the door to the dressing room of the boys. His eyes widened, the blood rushed to his cheeks and unfortunately also to his lower region. I hope you still like it though ^^. A/N: Maknae line is here! I dont.. Really? You actually come to me and tell me whats wrong, to work things out and I.. It was too neatly stacked but what could it else be? Did you really think he didnt love you anymore? I will be quick I promise. Taehyung: Anyways I hope you enjoy it and please dont hesitate to drop by my askbox if you just want to talk or want to request something yeah? Begging him to stop, trying to pry his fingers away from your waist and tummy because tickling was torture. I don't want to see him again." You told him, your expression showing your worry. Just as you could see his face clearly, you tucked him down with one hand holding his neck and pushed your cheek against his and began to rub. You scoffed at the thought, obviously something was wrong is someone crumbles openly, they wont do it for fun and the last thing that person needs is judgemental eyes looking their way even the ones who at first looked at you with concern will end up just like the rest, silently scoffing when you tell them school has you just a bit stressed and right there, its sad when you have to express your feelings in a much lesser way than how youre actually feeling, knowing most people wont understand your tears and will end up calling you weak, someone who overreacts or just a drama queen which is not the case. But then he would laugh at you aswell, seeing you squirming around trying to get out of this grasp. I didnt mean for this to happen! Okay not gonna lie, as a kid probably not but later on And when he suddenly heard smashing and crashing noises he literally facepalmed himself, still getting up to check up on you. Me? Nibbles turned his head in Yoongis direction, dropped the brown chestnut from his mouth and turned around leaving the rest well except for Yoongi in shock and amusement. The conversation that started this all. You knew what he was talking about and you also knew youve been in the wrong but you didnt want to burden him with your stupid insecurities because he had enough on his plate already and adding yours wouldnt do any good but you had it all wrong. While Taehyung told his men to fired the ran and caught you, "you're wounded." You smiled to him, "but I'm still alive." He sighed and kissed you, "I'm sorry I didn't protect you well." Jeon Jungkook : He was stressed all day all night, just like Yoongi's reaction. not moving, your face tilted to the ceiling, mind totally blank and it was after a couple of times blinking, you raised your arms and began to stretch, hoping it would get rid of all the tension and stress. It was very funny and cute to write though so thank you for making me laugh hahaha. Not getting any response you bit your lip in worry. I love you. I am so sorry.. I think everyone would immediately feel better once they felt something rubbing on their cheek. Why would he still be with you if he had so many beautiful women standing in line for him? You just couldnt understand plus you began to feel selfish by staying with him. I feel so alive again. A bag full of little items with that colour you seem to have bond with. Just let me tell you one thing. Cause that what it was. How could be so stupid? I - I.. you know Are you sure? You were looking at him, knowing the wheels in his head were working on full force as he zoned out. You said that y/n. These papers can wait and after youre done eating, take a shower and sit down with me in the kitchen to drink some well deserved tea.. This is all very nice and all but.. Can I see you? Of course oh geez thats all! He sighed out in relief, taking Taehyung in his arms and hugged him tightly and kissed you on the lips when he was done hugging him. I am sure as heck I am going to eat this soon. you winked at him while laughing. Im home! Sitting immediately back up, your eyes shot towards the clock hanging above the tv. The cold bedroom air nips at your bare skin . Before he could process in his mind what happened he was gone again. He would definitely cook for you. It was just plain stupid. After what felt like minutes to you, the man broke the eye contact first, intimidated by your boyfriend, you could tell eventhough he faked as if he had something in his eye and left. I have to confess myself this was really a challenge for me to write, so thank you haha. Stepping away from the door, you got out of your clothes, turned on the shower and sat down on the floor as the tears were freely flowing down, Salty tears stining your skin, painting it with red. Furrowing your eyebrows you took little steps his way, really needing to get them back as you needed to study. I am not mad baby. you laughed as you listened to his flustered state. Looking down at your features when your fingers stopped making circles motion he smiled at you. Oh fuck off you swung an arm around his neck and yanked him towards you holding him in a necklock. I cant always come when you need me. Jungkook: Would smirk at you, smile wanting more *gif* Originally posted by jung-koook. closing your eyes you decided to get some sleep, hoping that tomorrow Jimin would be kind enough to listen to you. Hoseok gulped. Stop it, geez! Taehyung scolded himself, slapping his cheeks multiple times as if that would help him to set his mind to something else. I can show you how much I love you, admire you, look up to you, cherish you. Youre okay. You giggled attacking him with pecks, not missing any spot on his face before you jumped off his lap and headed your way to the bathroom. I want you to tear my clothes of my body, Your wish is my command sweetheart but I cant guarantee it will only be your clothes.. You shook your head and greeted the others with hugs. Something was not right and so you tip-toed over to the bedroom across the hall. The last lyrics of the song. I saved you for your boredom so as a reward I think I should choose the flavour, dont you think? smiling you turned back and grabbed the box your eyes had fallen for. You were always good in that. . Jungkook suddenly grabbed your wrist and led you to the livingroom. Taehyung, I told you I would be home at 9? Tonight wasnt any different and well.. your patience began to drop. I love you that much., Lets go to your place y/n I have much more planned. However you didnt expect this as he didnt even spare you a glance, ignoring you to the max. I cant believe you he looked directly at you, arms crossing over eachother, leaning against the doorframe, demanding an answer. I love you so much that even when I step out this door just to get some food I will already miss you. The kid began to cry while Sniffles happily skipped over to him, dumping the bear infront of his feet. You cant throw words together, make it into a little story or something and I cant even do that. Had he heard you correctly? He is just stupid. You cant even feed yourself. he spat, turning around on his chair, eyes spitting fire. You hoped so that the love you received would make it up for it but how wrong you were. I want you to know that you can lean on me. you finished, looking down at the emotional drained man. Waah this is so nice! you breathed out in a high voice, letting yourself fall down on the grass, arms under your head for support. Please dont leave me hanging in the dark. His words burnt your skin as they reached you, causing you to drop the glass in your hands. Originally posted by cyyphr Yoongi: He likes it. But I really appreciate all this it shows me even more that the decision coming here was definetely the right one. making him shy. street, now serene and peaceful, clearing your mind and soul. Its okay though.. And guess what I want it too. Feeling yourself slowly coming back to reality. The affection and love you felt for and from this rare man was so immense that you would do everything, everything just to see him comfortable, relaxed and happy. Its out. My heart.. Can you stop feeding MY girlfriend. Jimin sounded irritated. Somedays you just wanted to burst into tears to let it all out but you knew you couldnt. Jimin.. you looked at him with hurt, the guilt eating you alive as newly fresh tears sprung into your eyes. Seokjin had texted you if you wanted to come and of course you had replied with an excited yes with lots of smiley and kissy faces and jumped in your car heading to the venue. After the both of you got dizzy, he sat you down on the ground and began to wildly wave with his hands around you. Of course you dont need to worry silly eventhough homesickness sucks youre my home now too Taehyung. Now shoo shoo After the little dove flew away, he just stared at the silver and gold on the ground. Didnt I also save your from your boredom? Taehyung laughed, the spoon still in his mouth as he elbowed you in your side softly. Yeah well it feels like my hearts is about to burst. Taehyung slumped down against the mirror. He at first, shot you a weird look but did what you told him to. I cant believe arrogant people like that exist. you shivered. She can fuck right off. You already could see the dissapointment faces, could hear failure laughing at you. Are you talking about the one of Ms. Y/n.. please. Yeah yeah you knew they werent but hey you cant deny they were pretty as the freaking sun. But the moment his broken voice called out to you, you snapped back to reality and held him in your arms. Hoseok: Only like? huffing, you were to move his arm away. And than I just.. You screamed it out, wiping the desk clean with one swipe of your arm as you watched how it clattered down on the floor with heavy breathing, sweat dripping down your body as the room began to spin. Whats going on? His gaze to strong. Seriously y/n? So here he was. yes Namjoon. And now you were here, asking Namjoon to forget about day, feeling guilty since he was so enthusiastic about it. You were afraid this would happen. and actual reactions to them by past partners If looks could kill,the man would be dropping to the ground. I love you so much because my heart and my soul are intertwined with yours. You were confused. Jungkook gasped, turning back to the man. With a frown on your face, you went a head, your mind probably playing tricks on you since the sound of the tires driving on a wet road drowned out most of the noises around you. No-one daring to break the silence. So do you want to help me?. You shouldnt cry. Jungkook? Surely Taehyung had not changed his mind and told them it was all a misunderstanding. He likes it a lot. The thought that he didnt want you to hear him crying was so immense hurtful that tears sprung in your own eyes. And for some reason it only are my shirts. Army doesnt want you to work all night long. You replied telling him you were in the kitchen and thats where he headed. A break would surely help you focus again, no doubt about that. Namjoons words told you. I walked away fuming.. wanted to make you feel like how I felt and thats so wrong of me. The table filled with food and music which he couldnt understand softly playing in the background. Poking your shoulder, he put on his best smile and waited for you to turn and when you did, you began to laugh and pushed his head away as it was a bit to close. All that time Seokjin had not said a word, softly rubbing your lower back while rocking you back and forth tenderly. Right now I am talking about the one from Ms.Jung herclass. Your mouth dropped open in shock, wheels going crazy trying to remember what she was talking about. After convincing Seokjin and Namjoon, he began to take care of him and after 1,5 week he was free to go but not without shedding some tears ofcourse. I love you too Tae. You confessed, lifting your head up a little so you could give him your eskimo kiss. Anyways it was late in the evening and you and Jimin walked in the park enjoying the chill breeze on your skin after a hot day. Hoseok also noticed the scratches on your arms and neck a big fat sign telling him you were stressed out maybe the state the room was in and the way you behaved was evidence enough but he learned early in the relationship you tend to scratch yourself hard, that sometimes the redness and streaks stayed on your skin for days aswell as having to put on cream to lighten the burn. What did you do! Uhm Jungkook is something wrong? you asked him worried, clasping your hands around his. You are safe here | 1995 | HSP | Rosacea | Mature content. - Something Bad Happens To You (!!) He would just sigh as you once again fell over the bathtub. Of course it wouldnt, you were always on his mind, how could he not think the worst when you had told him you would be home at 9 and still no any sign of you at 3 a.m. not even a text. You were taken aback, mouth dropping in disbelief. I am sorry y/n.. hushing him with your finger on his lips, fighting sleep to stay awake, you pushed his hair back, nuzzling closer in his chest as his calming scent lulled you back to sleep but not before you told him, you loved him. So lost in your thoughts, you had not heard the guys coming in. NONE of the GIFs used are mine. For more exclusive reactions, join our Patreon linked at the top. His silent sobs instantly stopped when he felt the bed dip down under your weight. Even with loud sobs, with tears dropping down to the ground, he just wouldnt listen. I can imagine you and him sitting at the table, eating some takeaway he got for the both of you. At first he would look baffled but soon after a loud laugh could be heard through the room. He gave you a confused look, asking what was wrong. Yoongi was at first dumbfounded. you arent allowed to come near my baby. and you can guess what happened.. Here you can find my Masterlist if you feel like checking out more of my BTS fiction! Should I dedicate all my time on my boyfriend? He knelt down in front of you, bringing your face away from your hands to sweetly kiss your lips. He is a smooth talker, youve seen it. Rewinding the minutes back it finally clicked. He actually would find it funny you being so clumsy eventhough he says he doesnt. Even taking 30 minutes in the bathroom to get ready and now you were just stepping all over his plans. You didnt voice the question, did not look his way yet it was still an answer. Damn.". He eyed you the whole night, watching your every move and a smile was plastered on your face until Jimin said something and the whole room fell silent. (Having the experience in bts aswell) However it isnt always the innocent dropping glass or stubbing your toe. And remember what you have told me about if you love something you should let it go and than called it bullshit because heck no why would you let someone go if you love them? However their time apart wasnt for long. And please return these to their owners, I dont care if you cant remember, you better bring those back. Where are you? He called for you a bit nervous. They were pleading for an answer, pleading you to make an end to his aching heart. The wind had arrived, immediately playing with everything she could touch, the branches swaying in her presence. I know I am sexy. He thanked your father a thousand times in his head for sending him this song you adored so much in your childhood that even in your sleep you seem to recognise it. Have you seen y/n? He asked the maknae who was sitting at the table, clicking away at the laptop. Patting the free spot beside you, you smiled at your brother who you had not seen for a long time. Mafia BTS reacting to you protecting them. There were phones and skype so they were literally one call away. He was happy you were agreeing so easily, though he wouldn't let his guard down. 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