If you were born during one of the times that Mercury was in retrograde, you may find that life is somewhat easier for you while it is challenging for others. There are moments when you might actually benefit from some self-imposed retrograde energy. "You may be curious, but you also know when to let things beunlike retrograde-born friends who can be like dogs on a bone when they want answers," they note. Those born during Mercury retrograde in 2022 or before may not be affected by the movement much. Graphic Retrograde Movement. In humans about 25% of the population has Mercury Retrograde, and that includes celebrities, LOL! Thats one example. Choosing Your House System in Astrology. Therefore, that does not mean that if you have no planets in retrograde you are free of karma. Sometimes there is denial, something lacking, or something missing in early childhood, and there are delays associated with the retrograde planets energies. On average, people are born with anywhere between 2 to 3 planets in retrograde as can be seen in their natal chart. There may be a tendency to keep these fears to themselves, as exposing them makes them feel more vulnerable. This is all a long way of saying that if you were born during Mercury retrograde, you have special powers that the rest of us don't. When that is interrupted then so are our lives. Regardless, a feeling of being an outsider is prevalent for those born with Mercury retrograde, and that's merely because you think differently than most of the population. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. Roughly 18%. These people might hide their eccentricities, while Uranus direct natives are more inclined to flaunt them, or at least to be proud of them. Stationary Planets Tables. 1," rapping, "Very emotional, I'm a Gemini. You sense they will not be well-received. They may also have challenges around structurewhether its being imposed on them or established in their lives. On Jan. 14, Mercury stationed retrograde in future-focused Aquarius, and it will do so again in May and September this year. As someone with their Mercury in Sagittarius, you need a lot of intellectual . In astrology, Mercury affects your perceptive abilities, and if you know the effect that Mercury has on you, it can help you understand how you see things and thereby be more effective in the world. It deepens your consciousness and bestows an innate poetic. So, have you ever wondered what it means when you're born during Mercury retrograde? No translation necessary! But as the star map below shows, it is actually in the Constellation of Virgo. The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. Mercury, the planet of communication and the mind, will retrogradeor move backwardsin two different zodiac signs in the autumn of 2022. You may swim in different channels of the mind. In actual fact it might well be an opportunity to flex those productivity muscles of yours. Emily Francos is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture and relationship topics. Expect some criticism but also you could help a reader out a lot! At your moment of birth, Mercury was either retrograde (backward) or direct (forward). It affects your personality and life-long patternsbut not in a bad way! Wishful thinking can sometimes cloud your judgment, but you are a true artist with a vision. Competition can be stressful for them, and they likely feel better when they are able to set their own pace rather than having authority figures do so. Pause to edit your words before sharing. However, in order to rebuild your belief in communication firstly believe in your communication skills. You are personable, yet you carry a dreamy quality that others find fascinating. There will be three Mercury retrograde periods in 2021. You have a vision, and you go after it. Fun read: 5 Fascinating Facts About Being Born During Mercury Retrograde. Because of how you're told to fear Mercury retrograde due to its ability to make everything a whole lot more complicated, you might even assume that being born during this transit would be considered bad luck. By Lucy Morgan and Charley Ross The smallest planet in our solar system (since Pluto got downgraded) and the closest to the sun, Mercury is known as the messenger planet, astrologically associated with communication, information, learning and travel. In a nutshell, mercury retrograde is an optical illusion that makes it look like the planet is moving backwards, from the perspective of Earth. If you were born with Mercury in Sagittarius. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Whenever there are planetary retrogrades, there are lessons that they bring out to you. This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. Still, youre less likely than Mercury retrograde people to second-guess your words or doubt your ideas. All those complexities and misunderstandings make your intelligence and ingenuity develop to the fullest throughout your life. This discrepancy is due to the precession of the equinoxes. Mercury governs communication, technology, transportation, and travel. If that's the case, look for Mercury on your chart; if there's an Rx beside the symbol, then you were born during Mercury in retrograde. So if you want to know how to find out if you were born during Mercury Retrograde read on because it's pretty important and babes, this could change everything. But if this resonates with you, try working with, rather than against your own Mercury Rx. Like hey Mercury, I'm going to let you take the wheel. But that silliness makes you stand out from the rest and gives you an even more unique personality. When moving direct, Mercury is fast-paced and eager to connect the dots, and while it might make you seem like a slow thinker when you have Mercury retrograde in your birth chart, it's only because you're doing a lot more thinking than anyone else would even think to do. mbg's resident astrologists, the AstroTwins, filled us inincluding how to tell where Mercury was when you were born. They may mask their vulnerabilities and compassion, preferring to keep this side of themselves hidden or private rather than sharing it with the world. Mercury Retrograde 1375Retrograde Tools & Calendars. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. There is always more to this person than meets the eye. Pluto in retrograde is a time when inner transformations take place, and if they dont, then they are forced upon you once the planet goes direct. Jupiter through Pluto are retrograde for large periods of the year. Plus, you'll face some karmic life lessons around the themes of the planet. Jan Spiller sees a past life echo for people born under Mercury retrograde with a challenge to speak from the depths of one's being. After all, Mercury is in retrograde around 19 percent of. There can also be a strong fear of letting others down or of not filling their responsibilities essentially of making poor choices. Therefore, you never were able to move forward and develop any new relationships. Venus is retrograde approximately 7-8% of the time, so that approximately 7-8% of people are born while Venus is retrograde. People with a natal Mercury retrograde have a natural inclination is to see something differently, therefore making it easier for them to come up with genius ideas that no one else would have thought of. 'Retrograde', as per the Cambridge Dictionary,. There is a karmic reason to have Mercury in retrograde in your chart. But guys did you know that for some people, Mercury being in retrograde might have a whole different connotation. Fun read: 5 Fascinating Facts About Being Born During Mercury Retrograde. Different cultures have employed forms of astrology since at least the 2nd millennium BCE, these practices having originated in calendrical systems used to . If you've been a good astro-student (which I know you have been), then you know what Mercury Retrograde means. It deepens your consciousness and bestows an innate poetic sensibility. If you are here, you have karma. You refuse to follow any type of familial tradition. Mercury turns retrograde more frequently than any other planet, but outer planets are retrograde more often than Mercury. Planets and bodies can appear to be moving backwards in the sky for a period of time, and are said to be retrograde. Wilkinson helps the rest of us understand why people born during a Mercury retrograde think and act the way they do, and how to interact with them productively. Mercury being in retrograde has been getting more press than a celebrity during a meltdown these past weeks. They may also struggle to embrace the shadow sides of their life and personality. Plug it into their calculator, and you'll find out whether Mercury was direct or retrograde. When Mercury enters retrograde, those born in this 21-day period find that they experience a boost of energy and intelligence. When something chaotic goes down, do not have a complete meltdown. Ephemeris tables (speed <0) Rx Conjunctions @ Zodiac degrees. Enter your details to find out if you have Mercury retrograde in your astrology chart! Whenever Uranus is in retrograde you feel big unexpected changes happening within. Assume your electronic payment went through. Though Mercury retrograde only lasts about three weeks, the. For example, Mercury is the planet of communication, so you might send a text to the wrong person during Mercury Retrogradeor break your phone. Perhaps in a previous life, you were ostracized and blamed for something you did not do, and no one supported you. The lesson in this life is to trust your own beliefs and talk about them. People are extra flakey during Mercury retrograde, so they may cancel or put off purchases . She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from State University of New York at Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York. Timing might often be off, or you could express your desires (or anger) in bursts rather than more flowingly, whereby you keep these things to yourself and let them build until you explode. Used by the content network, Cloudflare, to identify trusted web traffic. Astrologers advise against proposals, weddings, and any major relationship moves during this 4-6 week period, although the tabloids are predictably peppered with celebrity breakups each time Venus goes rogue. But even if your birthday does fall during a retrograde, it doesn't mean you've been cursed. "Theres a tremendous amount of mental energy and power that can be unlocked with Mercury retrograde in the natal chart. Potential employers are slow to get back to you. However, dont for one second think that birth chart placement meansyou're pre-destined for bad luck. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. In fact, the retrograde symbol looks like an Rxand this prescription is its own form of medicine. Contains a unique code for each customer so that it knows where to find the cart data in the database for each customer. People born during Venus Retrograde have a deep focus on love, relationships, and friendships. During this perceived backward motion, the things the retrograding planet is associated with are . On September 9 at 11:38 p.m. As with the retrograde cycle, the processes of the mind are different and may take longer. Believe it or not, it can be a blessing in disguise. And no, retrogrades do not equal tragic or bad news, but they do carry profound effects that we should pay attention to. "When Mercury is retrograde at . But you simply think much differently than others and have an alternate approach to refining your skills. Hence, in this case it'll be Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn the ones who might be influenced the most by the backward motion of the messenger planet. Understanding how you think can lessen the frustrations that go along with this kind of planetary influence. The best thing to do is to harness the power of creativity while applying it to living in the real world. Hone this talent and you might even find a career path as a therapist, shaman, or intuitive healer. Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition. Mercury Retrogrades do have a tendency to have a special effect on the Mercury ruled signs; Gemini and Virgo. "Often [people born during Mercury retrograde] are in their own mental worlds and have difficulty communicating clearly with others. If you're even the slightest bit into astrology, you've definitely heard of Mercury retrograde. You may have noticed that you think much deeper than everyone else and are more skeptical. You may see the end before the middle, or a vision of what's to come. Whenever Saturn is in retrograde, you are feeling as if old projects dont get finished easily and you are working hard without accomplishing much. If you were born during Mercury retrograde, you may have to overcome some issues around shyness, clear communication, and absorbing information. Those with Jupiter Retrograde in their birth charts often have unique, eccentric, or unusual perspectives, morals, and belief systems. cookie consent plugin to record that you accept the fact that the site uses cookies. You may have also led rebellions that involved a large group of people that ended up failing. Mercury's shorter and faster orbit causes the planet to appear to move eastward four times a year. Venus and Mars are retrograde approximately 7-10% of the time. When Mercury. Alternatively, you can cross-reference your birthdaywiththis listof all the dates and times Mercury was retrogradefrom 1900 to 2000. Planets that are in retrograde at the time of your birth represent the energies that you need to focus on more due to the fact that they are felt within as opposed to influencing you externally. It's a time rife with error and confusion, right? Love planet Venus goes retrograde every 18 months, which can reveal any weak links in a relationship or bring back past paramours. During this stretch . If you were born with this retrograde, then you struggle when it comes to trusting the world and even yourself. He also suggests what measures you should . People born under Venus retrograde have to watch for self-sabotage in love relationships. Yes, Pluto is still a planet in astrology, and Pluto Retrograde in a birth chart creates deep examination around the themes of fear, control, power, or domination. You know, the kind of element that allows you to dream up the iPhone. Graphic Retrograde Movement. If you were born under Gemini (May 21-June 20) or Virgo (August 23-September 22), or any of the major planets in your birth chart are in either of these signs, you'll likely be more sensitive to. The collage effect of Mercury retrograde makes it hard to see how things will play out. According to astrologer Annie Heese, you're probably a little, shall we say, offbeat if you were born under a Mercury retrograde. On the flip side, there may have been overly strict influences in youth, and the end result is similar the native often feels guilty and worries excessively about meeting responsibilities, how others think of them, and how to play by the rules. In a previous life, you may have been a slave, or you may have been abused and even tortured by those who held you captive. Or any type of authority figure did terrible things to you and you did not speak up and allowed to be bullied and dominated. They may come across too aggressively sometimes, and too passively at other times. Famous People Born during Mercury Retrograde They include such luminaries as Prince, Buckminster Fuller, Steve Jobs, Madonna, and Lady Gaga! If these people were able to shine as they have, then the rest of us shouldn't feel daunted or intimidated by just 3 weeks of a retrograde. I feel fine during them, sometimes a touch more introspective though. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". 2023 Mercury Retrograde Dates. Whenever Mercury goes into retrograde, you are feeling dread because that is the time when things go wrong, but do they really? September 9 - Here we go. Find if you were born during Mercury Retrograde Calculate Yours! After login, wordpress sets this cookie, which indicates when youre logged in, and who you are, for most interface use. It may have been a Romeo and Juliet type of situation, for example. Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. Since Mercury goes retrograde between three and four times a year, it's likely that you or someone you know was born during Mercury retrograde. Those who dont follow or believe in astrology wouldnt give it a second thought for obvious reasons. Retrograde-station-direct cycles are essentially illusions that result from our point of view from Earth, simply because the Earth is also orbiting the Sun at a different speed than the other planets. You're not bumping into walls like everyone else is, if you know what I mean. When Mercury retrogrades in the sign of Pisces, though, there's a definite Piscean spin on . If you see the retrograde symbol next to a planet, which looks like (some charts simply use an R), that planet was retrograde when you were born. Annie Heese of Cafe Astrology says for those born during this period, it is more likely that you will feel and process things in a more intense, and unusual manner. It is also absolutely vital to go on ahead and sort out your birth chart. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. You may also have a fear of saying the wrong thing and speaking up. Many people with this energy will focus on living a more traditional or structured life, but then suddenly erupt with rebellious tendencies that have been pent up and not expressed. Knowing which planets in your birth chart are retrograde carries subtle info about how you harness the energy of that planet. That is because you understand the energy very well. There might often be roundabout ways of going after your desires. From March 7, 2023 to May 24th, 2025, and then again thanks to a retrograde from August 31, 2025, to February 13, 2026, Saturn will move through Pisces, the mutable water sign symbolized . People born during Mercury retrograde often see things in ways that no one else sees. However, they may have challenges around expressing their desires in a smooth and authentic way. All of our planets do it at one time or another. Perhaps you were in a classroom that prized mathematical thinking above all, but you were instead more artistic. Just remember that with great power comes great responsibility. Duration. Saturn Retrograde is probably one of the least liked retrograde movements as many people find its direct motion difficult enough to handle. The 30+ house systems divide the circle up differently, so that the 12 areas of life ruled by the 12 signs, contain one planet or another. Whether youre a newbie to astrology or have been a long-time fan, youve very likely heard of retrogrades by now. In fact, you may miss a few of the social cues that Mercury retrograde people have learned. And, here's the best part: Being born during Mercury retrograde means that you experience a boost of energy and intelligence whenever Mercury enters retrograde. Perhaps for a Saturn retrograde person, there was a lack of discipline or structure, or possibly an authority figure in the childhood, and the native feels awkward in a situation that calls for specific rules or protocol as a result. When Mercury is retrograde at birth, the thinking processes are generally more acute, and the sense of humor rather quirky. Because their minds work differently, non-Mercury-retro people often have trouble understanding where Mercury-retro-born folks are coming from. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. On the other hand, they may be able to think more clearly, act efficiently and make better decisions as to the Mercury in need to chat will feel at home during this time. Spiller writes, "They are learning to reconnect with the authenticity of their own unique ideas and preferences and decision-making tendencies. Embrace the Mercury you were born with, as its here to teach you lessons for your souls evolution in this lifetime. The ancient Greeks thought it was because the planets wandered through the universe, but today we know that it is an optical illusion that occurs because other planets have different orbits than Earth does. Many people have the fear of speaking in public but in your case, the idea of it makes you sick. Lets talk more about that. This doesnt necessarily make you a consummate speaker or tech whiz, though. When they are left to fill in the blanks, they might expect the worst. In humans about 25% of the population has Mercury Retrograde, and that includes celebrities, LOL! Astrologers believe that while Mercury is in retrograde, it is in a resting or sleeping state, and that has a psychological effect on some peopleyou are more mercurial, in factand if you are born during one of those periods, your chances of being affected by Mercury's fluctuations are more likely. Mercury Retrograde: How to Survive A Three-Week Communication Crisis by The AstroTwins 10.2k Brace yourself for breakdowns. If Mercury was retrograde when you were born, you'll see "Rx" above the Mercury symbol in your chart. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. Same for any planet in retrograde. Deep insecurities can be present. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. You may also be struggling a lot with self-love. Annual Retrograde Calendar. With retrograde Venus, perhaps the child was discouraged in some way when he or she expressed loving feelings or attempted to make themselves more attractive; or possibly there was a lack of money and resources. Mercury governs communication, technology, transportation, and travel. In fact, the outer planets such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto can retrograde for many months at a time. If you go to Astroseek.com, you can get a very good idea of the periods of retrograde for each planet in the year you were born. Sometimes the childhood was not very disciplined or orderly. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. This is why astrologers use completely different systems, based on all they know and trust. Identification of the visitor by a security plugin to prevent attacks on the web. I am also a mental health advocate and owner of several Medium publications, one being Tarot Talk, and you can find me at https://miriamreadstarot.com. Sometimes it feels like you're speaking another language. Mercury stations retrograde in the Sign of Libra on September 9, 2022. Mercury rules everything that is relevant to that which is why when it is in retrograde, that stuff becomes interrupted. astrologer Janet Booth said on her website, Gaudette explained on The Dark Pixie Astrology. Venus Retrograde Heralded as the planet of love and money, Venus goes retrograde approximately every 18 months and retrogrades for an average of six weeks. Who knew retrogrades could be so romantic-sounding? When a planet or body is retrograde in the birth chart, its energies are turned inward. I am a Canadian mom, writer, astrologer, tarot reader, and evidential medium that enjoys traveling loves to unravel mysteries and is passionate about metaphysics and spirituality. Competition can unnerve you, and you are usually better off setting your own pace than working by schedule or with others. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. What you need to focus on is that you should always be yourself and be proud of who you are and what you have become, force yourself to compromise, and follow some rules. Because we are on Earth's own elliptical orbit, our view of the path of the planets varies through time and place. Surgical operations are generally recommended during the Waning Moon, because human body is healing better after surgery. 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