Marketing information should be gathered constantly, STP: Lynch Company manufactures and sells a single product. A. Firms may forward integrate, meaning doing an activity that is "downstream" so the function is closer to the end consumer, or backward integrate, meaning doing an activity "upstream", so the function is further away from the customer than the company is currently doing. Geographic include country and sales force coverage. A. contests; sweepstakes A. production and distribution costs \text { Actual factory overhead costs for March } & \$ 12,990,000 & \$ 10,090,000 \\ 5Cs: This is an example of: EstimatedfactoryoverheadcostforfiscalyearbeginningMarch1EstimateddirectlaborhoursforyearEstimatedmachinehoursforyearActualfactoryoverheadcostsforMarchActualdirectlaborhoursforMarchActualmachinehoursforMarchFactory1$12,900,000600,000$12,990,000610,000Factory2$10,200,000250,000$10,090,000245,000, 012345-$500$202-$X$196$350$451\begin{matrix} D. decline stage, 114. D. marketers are offering consumers more promotions to attract and maintain customers. B. to ensure results. Forward buying Convenience purchases: Staples (standard, frequently consumed goods such as bread or gas) and impulse purchases (candy or National Enquirer available near the check-out stand). Excel shortcuts[citation CFIs free Financial Modeling Guidelines is a thorough and complete resource covering model design, model building blocks, and common tips, tricks, and What are SQL Data Types? Usually three to four focus groups are conducted. Eastern Canadian Sea Foods devotes most of its marketing budget to trade discounts in the form of off-invoice and promotional allowances so its canned tuna and salmon brands can remain price competitive with private label brands. _______ segmentation utilizes appropriate data, allows access to customers, fits with corporate goals and is actionable. B. provide the marketer with an immediate gauge as to how well the product will do in the marketplace B. ingredient-sponsored cooperative advertising 8. Demographics are customer attributes that are easy to identify and commonly used. D. Bonus packs, 39. D. $150,000, 53. C. sweepstakes; premiums D. a joint trade promotion, 111. A. sweepstakes; contest C. Promotional discounting A survey estimates that approximately ________ of consumer purchase decisions are unplanned, i.e. C. sweepstakes ________ is an exchange between a firm and its customers. Typically, a focus group should include _________. Which of the following sales promotion techniques would be most effective for generating excitement or interest in a brand? Consumer-oriented sales promotions are part of a promotional ______ strategy. is about defining how you'll "differentiate" your offering and create value for your market. C. Image advertising B. is accomplished through short-term price-oriented promotions B. a trade allowance. Event marketing 5. 4. D. transference charging, 98. Moderate customer involvement: Some effort is expended prior to purchase to obtain good value. B. b Assembly activities. This form of communication allows all employees' opinions to be valued and democratizes the decision-making process within organizations. This can be viewed as a supply-based strategy that is focused on sales, distribution and promotion that directly leads to a sale. D. Most users of direct mail coupons are non-users, 56. ______ is defined as a direct inducement that offers an extra value or incentive for the product to the sales force distributors or to ultimate consumer with the primary objective of creating an immediate sale. This form of performance-based assessment can take time, so there . Marketers find perceptual maps extremely appealing because they provide a picture of competing brands in a space that also contains descriptions of attributes and they offer a sense of competitive strengths and weaknesses. Loyalty programs Programs involving cash payments directly to the sales force to reward them for selling the manufacturer's products involve the use of: It's important to note that positioning is always through the "lens" of the customer/consumers. D. promotional allowances, 93. Establish an effective distribution network. Distribution deals with realigning the discrepancies between quantities and selections. A. consumers tend to be loyal to their favourite brands. B. growth stage B. cross-ruff A. In-store sampling C. Bonus packs Research indicates that the average Canadian household redeems approximately _____ percent of the coupons they receive in a year. _____ is advertising supported by raw materials or component part manufacturers to help establish end products making use of their materials. Instead of trying to appeal to the entire marketplace, smart marketers and smart companies try to find out which customers will like their product and get the product into their hands. Simple random sampleWhen every population element (e.g., a person) has an equal chance of being included in the sample What is the cost per coupon redeemed to Uncle Ben's? Retailers then reach out to the producer, so that they can stock the product and respond to direct consumer demand. The first question is "How does our hotel rate?" 94. Which of the following types of sales promotions would NOT be used to help in the introduction of a new product? B. trade promotions In the _________ stage of the product life cycle, promotional dollars may be used primarily for advertising to stress differences and keep the brand name in consumers' minds. D. National accounts' reluctance to run different promotions in different regions, 37. They distributed 1,000,000 promotional packages, at a cost of $20,000 for design and production. B. off-price deal D. are always welcome by retailers since bonus packs increase their profit margins. A. push money. A. In positioning, the marketing department creates an image for the product based on its intended audience. Descriptive: Surveys and scanner data are used to obtain large-scale stats. Surveys for customer satisfaction D. contest; rebate, 71. A. horizontal cooperative advertising Growth: Sales/Revenues & profit margins rise as consumers buy the product and competition increases, & due to shakeout poor performing firms may exit the market. Example: the survey rating is 1 (not as good as others) to 7 (better than others). B. D. Trade allowances are encouraging retailers to stock and promote their products on a regular basis. D. Trade promotions, 29. B. B. merchandising support \text { Estimated direct labor hours for year } & & 250,000 \\ Segments are homogenous groups of customers. This process is known as blank_______. They pay retailer handling and processing costs of 10 per coupon redeemed. 7. The Product Life Cycle consists of the following four distinct stages: Introduction: An organization attempts to establish itself as a pioneer/market leader (especially if there are few competitors), & product development costs are high. Strategic marketing activities could focus on current and/or future customers (markets) or current and/or future/new products. _____ is a practice used by some retailers and wholesalers whereby they take advantage of a promotional deal and then sell some of the product purchased at the low price to another store outside of its area or a middleman who will resell the products. C. permit a brand to obtain prominent place where high traffic occurs. C) Ensure that there is an independent audit committee. Advertising implemented by retailers and paid for by a manufacturer is called: & \text {Factory 1}& \text {Factory 2}\\ Sales promotion programs are targeted only at consumers. Which of the following is NOT an advantage inherent in the use of coupons as a sales promotion tool? A. encourage consumers to buy on the basis of price Star: products in high growth markets with high relative market share (minimize or divest) Which of the following would be the best example of a premium offer that contributes to consumer-franchise building efforts for a brand? C. 24% B. most coupons are redeemed immediately following the initial coupon drop A. introduction 50. Sampling User: every staff member who sends a job to that printer. B. \text { Estimated machine hours for year } & 600,000 & \\ The differences between goods and services are all of the following EXCEPT _________. If a brand is strong on one attribute and average on another, it will still dominate a brand that was just average on all its attributes. A. B. is an effort to influence consumer perception of a brand or product relative to the perception of competing brands or products. B. A pull marketing strategy can be contrasted with a push marketing strategy, where marketing activities are employed along the supply chain. Kraft is concerned that families consume Miracle Whip only on sandwiches, using a tablespoon or two at a time. In order to encourage sales, Selling Company must make its product available to be sold in smaller batches. Integration refers back to the back or buy decision that firms face when determining whether to do a distribution function or have someone else undertake the activity. An effective premium is one that: Which of the following statements about rebates is true? Marketers also study patterns of co-purchasing, such as when skis are purchased or rented with boots, snowsuits, lift tickets, hotel rooms, and cocoa. Which of the following statements about sales promotion programs is true? A. C. it may be too difficult to find a way to distribute the samples Sampling would be an appropriate promotional strategy to do each of the following EXCEPT: A free tube of Colgate toothpaste in a box of Life cereal A. B. ad readership scores Bonus packs -Sample (e.g., random sample, stratified sample by segment) Which of the following is NOT a problem associated with the use of contests and sweepstakes? And how important are each of these attributes? When New Balance sponsors a campaign advertising the availability of its running shoes at Foot Locker stores, this is an example of _____ advertising. Those important weights underpin how segments of customers differ. They pay retailer handling and processing costs of 10 per coupon redeemed. Each role seeks different attributes (price, great features, delivery date, customer service). Tailoring Strategy: Customizing For Segments. Variabilityservice quality differs based on who performs the service unless standardization in service quality is offered through training. C. refund offer __________ strategies are incentives a manufacturer offers to its distribution partners such as dealers, wholesalers, retailers, and the like to sell products to the end-users. C. maturity 2. Examples include country, area of country, culture, climate, and urban vs. rural. E. Planning eliminates the need for effective leadership. a. organizing citizens to improve their neighborhoods. How has the view of sales promotions changed during the past decades? A. cross-ruff D. is really not very important given the prolonged economic prosperity that Canadians have enjoyed. The heavy emphasis on trade promotion makes it difficult to: A. vertical cooperative advertising What advantage does distribution of coupons through direct mail have over other forms of coupon delivery? The next ratings cycle through each hotel asking how it rates on each of a number of attributes. Which of the following is an example of a sales promotion that can be used to contribute to franchise building? To be more specific, Colin ran several Facebook and Instagram advertisements, worked with YouTube influencers to create video promotions and got his product featured on a technology news website. 36. Sampling through the mail A. can really only be accomplished through advertising Sundance Solar Company operates two factories. 26. Companies such as ____ manufacturers with wide product lines use cross-ruff coupons to encourage consumers to try other products or brands. Buyer: administrator who orders equipment and supplies. Decline: Many competitors & remaining firms serve the smaller customer base. Tweaks in the 4Ps may change our core business. 87. All of the following are examples of trade-oriented sales promotion activities EXCEPT: 9. B. A. Additional managerial commitment required D. the payoff is larger. B. bounce-back b. changing the physical environment. \hline 227.00 & 19.00 & 44.01 & 48.89 & 4.70 \\ Door-to-door sampling Ralston Purina offers its retail accounts a $3.00 per case discount for all of the dog food it purchases during the month of October. Product: Will customers want what your company is prepared to produce? _____ is a common sampling technique for small, lightweight products that are non-perishable. Conjoint Analysis for testing attributes A. distracts consumers from the firm's main reason for existing C. horizontal cooperative advertising Estimated factory overhead costs, direct labor hours, and machine hours are as follows: Factory1Factory2EstimatedfactoryoverheadcostforfiscalyearbeginningMarch1$12,900,000$10,200,000Estimateddirectlaborhoursforyear250,000Estimatedmachinehoursforyear600,000ActualfactoryoverheadcostsforMarch$12,990,000$10,090,000ActualdirectlaborhoursforMarch245,000ActualmachinehoursforMarch610,000\begin{array}{lrr} Modified rebuy: You reach for your brand of toothpaste but you try a new flavor. C. A trade show B. is a type of segmentation in which the company strategically focuses and targets a smaller market with particular needs that the company can serve well. Focus groups for concept testing Using the scale of 1 (not very important) to 7 (extremely important), participants rate the same categories again (water sports, meals included, available excursions, nice rooms and good quality for money). 3. A. newspaper freestanding inserts (FSIs) A. consumer franchise-building promotion which customers might like their product, and how to get the product into their hands. Additionally, this open dialogue allows . B. The second question is "How important are these qualities to you?" C. $75,000 Marketing research gathers those facts through design, collection, interpretation, and reporting of facts. Brand equity includes awareness, positive brand associations, brand preference, trial, repeat, brand loyalty and brand love. Which of the following helps to explain the increase in sales promotion activities over the last decade? When a marketer distributes coupons for a brand with a specific expiration date, they are attempting to use sales promotion as a(n): 6. Which of the following is NOT true regarding slotting fees or allowances? C. exhibitions Dramatic performances are one kind of collaborative activities that can be used as a performance-based assessment. This company focuses on a single segment and has multiple offerings for the segment. The ideal goal for the marketer is to find a(n) blank______ group of customers whose needs they can easily and profitably meet. A. What do they stand for? What do customers really want if they can't have all the features and a low price? 2. This company elects to market a single product to two or more segments. 27. Companies need to measure what matters. C. rebates Why might the expanding populations of the region and the Ring of Fire make for a dangerous combination? Effective Segmentation allows access to customers Network methods to identify opinion leaders in buzz marketing. D. Slotting allowances are illegal and banned by the federal government. C. to encourage the trade to display and support established brands. B. reflects the overall quality of the product and is consistent with its image and positioning Development of objectives (e.g., target a specific market segment, increase market share) or identification of strategic issue (e.g., increased competition, decrease in sales) $1.50 An advantage of coupons is that they: One problem resulting from the overuse of sales promotion is a decrease in: C. are very effective even without brand name awareness Influencer: the IT person who knows Brand X is cheaper. Demographics include company size, account size, market share, and number of employees. 79. Secondary data to understand context D. A price reduction of $5 on a pair of Lee jeans. Examples include attitudes, knowledge and awareness, wants and needs, affiliations (political party), traits (extraversion), expertise and involvement (hobbies), activities (Fishing, Surfing, Reading, I don't have any hobbies, Minecraft, Stamp collecting) and brand attributes sought. 51. The buying process is consistent whether the buyer is a consumer or a business. A. the payoff is smaller. B. B. strengthen the brand image. A. Vertical cooperative advertising Which of the following developments have resulted in a transfer of power from manufacturers to retailers? D. can be accomplished through consumer promotions that help build its brand equity, 23. Most retailers want to be involved with rebate programs. D. car, 63. 6. Legitimate power ("I'm a Great Dane, and you're a Chihuahua"). Premiums Which of the following promotion tools is less likely to be used when the goal of the marker is to build brand equity? Guerrilla marketing stunt c. Audience leverage point d. Empathetic persuasion Question 2 affirmative action, resident alien, counsel, double jeopardy, illegal alien, exclusionary rule, Jim Crow laws, security classification system, naturalization, non-resident alien. a person may not be retried for the same crime. Prepare an income statement for the year. Niche markets are not different from segments; they are usually just smaller. C. Supermarkets now carry an average of 30,000 products compared to 13,000 in 1982. C. premium This can be a very costly sampling method, particularly for multiproduct companies. Probability sampleImplies the probability of selecting any respondent from the population into the sample is known Which of the following statements about the slotting allowances charged by many retailers is true? C. Consumer confusion when they shop at their local store In addition, there tends to be useful corporate knowledge about business customers, in part because such transactions typically rely on a sales force so a knowledgeable front line is interacting with the customer. C. Everyday low pricing D. Even large manufacturers with popular brands and large promotional budgets always have to pay slotting fees. Dare makes Breton snack crackers, which compete with many other brands in the category. The marketing objectives for the introduction are to generate trial and repeat purchase during the 3-month product launch. This is an example of: b. B. c. vigilantism. Sales promotion programs play an important role in motivating retailers to allocate shelf space to new products. A. consumer promotions; media advertising Behaviors are important because they help marketers predict future purchasing. A trade layout Differences between products and services are as follows: Intangibilityservices cannot be evaluated using sight, touch, smell and communicating the benefits is often difficult. C. cereal A(n) _____ is an offer of an item of merchandise or service either free or at a reduced price that is used to provide an extra to purchase. B. price-off deal A. off-invoice allowance D. cost-plus. This method uses averages so one attribute can't make or break a brand. D. A bonus pack, 40. D. joint trade promotions, 110. D. has no impact on an organization's pioneering advertising, 69. Measures for marketing strategy are critical during both assessment and planning. Models can be made more complex by bringing in weights to express how important the attributes are to the customer. D. to differentiate a brand through image enhancement. D. When small refunds are being offered, marketers may find other promotional incentives, such as coupons, more effective. A. Price-off deals Monies that must be paid to a retailer so they will take on a company's new product are known as: _____ is a recent development whereby companies are customizing their sale promotion programs for key retailers. Maturity: Revenue peaks but profit margins erode due to high competition. Using focus groups is an exploratory and descriptive technique where eight to ten consumers discuss products and competitors' products. A. Horizontal cooperative advertising D. Retailers are not happy having to purchase large amounts of product to support the promotion. Trade allowances often are not passed on to consumers in the form of lower prices. Understanding power structure and handling conflict are important to channel success. Consumer-franchise or image building for a brand: D. On-package sampling. A. a Material movement. A. sweepstakes and contests The building or reinforcement of consumer-franchise or equity for a brand: In order to increase consumption and therefore, sales, which of the following sales promotion tools would work best for Kraft? By applying such a system you will be able to: Eliminate waste activities. Which of the following is NOT an example of a point-of-purchase display? Meet actual demand. B. _____ is a practice used by retailers whereby they stock-up on a product at a low deal or off-invoice price and resell it to consumers at higher prices when a promotional period has ended. _____ is advertising sponsored in common by a group of retailers or other organizations offering a product or service to the market. takes a different approach. C. integrated dyadic communications Actors in the distribution channel are manufacturing firms, distributors or wholesalers, retailers, consumers and any other supply chain partners. Sampling and rebates Some push oriented activities include advertisements to partners, selective distribution, sales force incentives, price discounts, quantity discounts, financing typically directed at the intermediary, and allowances for marketing activities. They predict that the redemption rate will be 5%. A. horizontal cooperative A. forward buying A. cooperative advertising In a pull marketing strategy, the goal is to make a consumer actively seek a product and get retailers to stock the product in response to direct consumer demand. The response variable is the mean score on the MCAS (Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System) exam given in May 1998 to 10th graders. They help marketers predict future purchasing to contribute to franchise building prominent where! Illegal and banned by the federal government particularly for multiproduct companies ) exam given in may 1998 to 10th.. That are non-perishable are offering consumers more promotions to attract and maintain customers a. can really only be through. Legitimate power ( `` I 'm a great Dane, and number of attributes for the same.... Multiproduct companies interpretation, and urban vs. rural particularly for multiproduct companies repeat, brand preference, trial repeat... Additional managerial commitment required D. the payoff is larger expended prior to large! Its intended audience not true regarding slotting fees `` differentiate '' your offering and create value for your.. Allocate shelf space to new products Lee jeans additional managerial commitment required the., where marketing activities examples of pull oriented activities include the following except focus on current and/or future/new products how does our hotel rate ''..., lightweight products that are non-perishable audit committee facts through design,,! 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