We do not sugar-coat whats true. This "corporation" then generates taxes and wealth over its lifetime and in this way repays the collateral that Uncle Sam borrowed from the Federal Reserve. As the owners of this site, we have the right to enforce any policies and terms we feel necessary. FAIR USE NOTICE: This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. RCC can take our heartbeat but they cannot take our soul. Hot. The Roman Catholic Church has a long history of tyranny and oppression. Since medieval times the episcopal see of Rome has been recognized as a sovereign entity. Email us at services@areweallreallyeducated.com Dismiss. Did they explain this to you in Public School? Every citizen is given a number (the red number on the Birth Certificate) and each live birth is valued at from 650,000 to 750,000 Federal Reserve dollars in collateral from the Fed. The STATE/GOVERNMENT are acting in fraud because they are benefiting from your birth certificate bond/trust. You are an American and were never born into nor obligated to join this system of things. Does Vatican own birth certificate? This cycle is based on the future tax revenues of the legal person whose name appears on the Birth Certificate. PS> The book of Revelations also speaks and too the oceans will be the color of blood. We are a private organization and offer no refunds on any of our services. ; 9 Dr. Paul Pharms,PhD Follow From Sovereign to Serf. If you used the Bible as your excuse, I hissed, it stands that you accept the Bibles remedy, too.. I have made the personal decision to find out as much as possible about correcting this slavery of the soveriegn. This is how they apply the sins of the Fathers and guarantee themselves and other war-mongers excellent guaranteed returns and generations of new slaves pre-indebted to them virtually from birth. When I looked at my own Birth Certificate, I noticed it was a copy of the original. I hope this clarified any questions you had. () On November 18th of 1302 Pope Boniface VIII signed what was the most bold, over reaching edict many have ever heard of and perhaps the most bold of human history. They were operating in Breach of Trust and outside their granted authority to even set up probate courts and bankruptcy courts outside the District of Columbia. Birth Certificate Copies: Born in the U.S. It was already apparent that they had hypocritically promoted the idea of ancestral debt and profited from itparticularly by promoting wars for the reaping of souls and estates and purposefully running up more debt, and hadnt applied the debt forgiveness across the board every seven years with a total erasure every fifty years- that balanced this Ancient Hebrew economic system. You may collapse and nullify all your baptismal vows and contracts to any and all religious / spiritual institutions. Elite families control the Vatican and the corporation (the incorporation of the Apostle Peter). . A Warrior Calls Published October 16, 2021. The Knights Templar created trust law originally, with a much more simplistic and neutral intent than what the Roman papacy later used it for. var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. ; 2 Who really owns a Coursera certificate? Within two weeks and three days each Certificate of Live Birth is to be filed in Washington D.C. In reply to your comment, why you are charging to see this stuff, would Patrick approve of this: To make this legal (but cannot ever be lawful) they give you a Birth Certificate which is evidence of what they have done in your name. Remember that "Bond" thing printed on the bottom of the certificate? and more. Your Birth Certificate is essentially the title of the Soul that they own in their registries. They have registered you and that is the title to your soul. I have known this for a very long time. Not even Stephen King could come up with some of the ways they "tortured and disposed" of people who opposed them. Its like a coat check card, allowing you to come back and reclaim your coat, only in this case, its reclaiming your body, energy, labor, and intellectual property your PKI. All due in large measure to the treachery and deception of words by the United States Supreme Court. "AE, I have not yet close examined SA economic system, but I have only heard of 'yap yap corruption yep yep'. We have gone from freedom to slavery, from sovereigns to serfs on the great Federal Manor via the 14th Amendment. This creates a private contract, which is the only way that the Vermin can get away with this scam. They rounded of the Templar order about 5 years after Unam Sanctam. What are we going to do about all this when most folks don't even know they are not free? Being now among the living dead you have an, ALL CAPITAL LETTER DRIVING LICENSE , PASSPORT, CREDIT CARD, BANKCARD. Where Is Patrick Devine Files? Copyright 2006-2023 A.W.A.R.E | All Rights Reserved, Without Prejudice, U.C.C 1-308, You Are The Beneficiary of Your Birth Certificate Trust, EIN Package 6: EXPRESS 24 HOUR Business Day Delivery - Estate AND Foreign 98 EINs - $329.99 (Espaol), EIN Package 5: EXPRESS 24 HOUR, BUSINESS DAY Delivery - Foreign 98 EIN - $199.99 (Espaol), Banking Tips For Opening Up A Bank Account, Business Credit Cards To Apply with Bad Credit, Bankruptcy Should Not Be Reported On Your Credit Report, 4 Websites To Help You Build an 800 Credit Score, http://wethepeopleshareholders.com/membership-join/membership-registration/. When you or I need more money, we use something as collateral and go to a bank for a loan. The Birth Certificate is an unrevealed "Trust Instrument" originally designed for the children of the newly freed black slaves after the 14th Amendment. This is why, taking control of your strawman such as authenticating your birth certificate and becoming a secure party creditor are very powerful steps to taking back beneficiaryship over your ESTATE. Web search these three different phrases: Redeemed in Lawful money Pursuant to Title 12 USC 411 or, deposited for credit on account or exchanged for, non-negotiable federal reserve notes of face value, the location of the warehouse where the goods are stored(residence), the date of issue of the receipt..("Date issued"), the consecutive number of the receipt(found on back or front of the certificate, usually in red numbers), a description of the goods or of the packages containing them(name, sex, date of birth, etc. The Washington DC private corporation Federal Estate is actually owned and controlled by the London Crown Temple Syndicate. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. How do you get around jobs that want a social security number? The RCC killed these people due to their need to control humanity. The context is a bit complex and starting points are Unam Sanctum, Holy Sea and the Vatikan Bank. If you seek legal advise, find yourself a competent lawyer or attorney. This is why, taking control of your strawman . This site is all about spreading truth, awareness and enlightenment and serves as EDUCATIONAL and ENTERTAINMENT purposes only. Required fields are marked *. Because of the desire to control through their inquisitions, they decided they would create the first express trust, called unum sanctum which was written on a papal bull and placed in their vault. That 4th of July thing? The context is a bit complex and starting points are 'Unam Sanctum', 'Holy Sea' and the 'Vatikan Bank'. He wanted me to take a look at them because they have certain numbers and other things printed on them that need an explanation. [Page 2] at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. A birth certificate is a document issued by a government that records the birth of a child for vital statistics, tax, military, and census purposes. A kind of negotiable instrument, a promissory note made by a bank payable to the bearer on demand, used as money, and in many jurisdictions is legal tender. The Roman Catholic Church has a long history of tyranny and oppression. General obligation bonds secured private citizens are not one is your really a birth certificate bond. The real reason you pay an income tax, is for the privilege of using a private currency. The Birth Certificate is the governments self-created document of title for its new property you and me! Contact the vital records office in the state or territory where you were born to get a copy of your birth certificate. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. . All of Patricks files, calls and documents are made available for FREE at no cost, just on a free sign up basis, which you can access when you sign up to our freemium membership here: http://wethepeopleshareholders.com/membership-join/membership-registration/. (LogOut/ Your birth certificate is the title of the Soul that they own in their registries. ; 6 How much is my birth certificate worth on the stock? (15 videos) UFOs, UAPs and Strange Phenomenon. Your birth certificate is the title of the soul that they own in their registries. They show the father's name and the mother's maiden name and not the married name. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. We are currently working on our website development and appreciate and thank your patience through our growth progress. We simply share Patricks information, documents, audios, calls, and files. Hi, I am BenArion and i created ashtarcommandcrew.net in 2006I just wanted to share a "story" with you all, that i read a few years ago. It seems none of us have our original Birth Certificates they are all copies. CANCER WARS! On the papal bull, it says that all of the souls in the world belong to the Roman Catholic Church and they do because no one has challenged their claim. You need to be a member of Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community to add comments! Pin Forever!) What these characters did was to create a system that accumulated debt but never accounted for or issued the answering credit either directly as a Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption as stipulated by the Federal law, or by cyclic debt forgiveness, which the Bible requires. + Remove Most Funds From All Banks! Banks Support Slavery, Lets Stop Supporting Banks! Your name on your birth certificate (upper case letters) is registered as a corporation since birth. Don't tag it and watch who gets it. The STATE/GOVERNMENT are the Trustees. Aside from all that was written, the bull ends with the following statement: Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.". Existence (God) is where our soul came from, not the RCC. /* 160x600, created 3/22/10 */ Given that there is a small group of Global Elite who control all the world's finances, military, and ecclesiastical resources, this would not be too difficult to believe. The private banks that made up the Federal Reserve demanded their money and Roosevelt responded. The Treasury uses the loan to purchase a bond (the Fed holds a purchase money security interest in the bond) from the Department of Commerce, which invests the sale proceeds in the stock or bond market. AND YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE (WTF! 200 years later during the Renaissance, the Hermetica (based upon the Ancient Wisdom and teachings of Hermes) was available, which is where the Bible draws all of its inspiration from, along with previous civilizations and their rituals and beliefs. Terms of Service, 2023Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community It may appear to be your true name, but since no proper name is ever written in all caps (either lawfully or grammatically) it does not identify who you are. This Mess, as I call it, is the result of ancient fraud, graft, greed, and institutionalized evil - and a good portion of it is coming to you directly from the Christian Church. Report an Issue | Because of the desire to control through their inquisitions, they decided they would create the first express trust, called unum sanctum which was written on a papal bull and placed in their vault. But in 1913 there wasn't anywhere to go. OK. Privacy Policy It is owned by International families. The one that you dont know exists. First, they rooked your parents, and because you never knew anything about this to begin with, they captured you, too. May the geniuses govern and may technology connect us to our ET creators the Elohim! So the US created the Federal Reserve Act. In any event, you are witnessing the release of all this Ancestral Debt and the payback in the form of debt forgiveness -and the burden of public debt is being shifted off the people and onto the corporations where it always should have been. Once a state has registered a birth document with the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Department notifies the Treasury Department, which takes out a loan from the Federal Reserve. The Syndicate, through the House of Windsor, owns approximately 1/6 of the Earths land surface. I got a court case coming up and I want to use this argument. Come see us in Ecuador with a Southern Hospitality Guide to Relocation. VACCINE WMD: TRUE WEAPON$ OF MASS DESTRUCTION Dr.Rebecca Carley / Vaccines & Liberty, WEATHER WARS WINTER WARS: WINTERS REVENGE /ORGONS WRATH Arctic Invasion / Frankenstorm (2018). google_ad_client = "pub-1939708843822152"; We`ll se. After only 20 years things went from bad to worse. They have registered you and that is the title to your soul. During Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency, in 1933, the US was unable to pay its debt. Change). The "banks" own you and all you own. In this writers opinion, there is significant dissention within the Roman Catholic Church as more people are waking up to the inner pedophile turmoil as well as the churchs history of acts of cruelty against mankind through crusdaes and inquisitions. They began trading debt as money, which is akin to mistaking Jesus for a priest of Baal. Answer (1 of 5): Yes you are the owner of your birth certificate which has been issued to you. If you consent to only being a body/creature then you in turn consent to being owned by the Roman Catholic cult as of November 18th 1302. Your birth certificate is the title of the soul that they own in their registries. And the copies have a serial number on them, issued on special Bank Bond paper and authorized by The American Bank Note Company. Huh? For a while I have been receiving e-mails from a good friend who has asked me to investigate something weird about the Birth Certificates. Liken it to the roots that bind together human communities by unconditionally upholding the life, dignity and well-being of every man, woman and child. The verbal information on a birth certificate tin vary slightly from country to country, but well-nigh states have a lot of the same key details about your birth. select Birth certificate, I-94, and other. It seems none of us have our original Birth Certificates -- they are all copies. --Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Law (1996). The Bailiff is going to Steal the farm. You cant have it both ways. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. The United States is Running Parallel Governments, Book: From Sovereign to Serf by Roger Sayles, the location of the warehouse where the goods are stored(residence), the date of issue of the receipt..(Date issued), the consecutive number of the receipt(found on back or front of the certificate, usually in red numbers), a description of the goods or of the packages containing them(name, sex, date of birth, etc. Your Birth Certificate is essentially the title of the Soul that they own in their registries. Question everything everything. Are you beginning to get the drift here? Frequently Asked Questions This also means that the bankrupt, corporate U.S. can guarantee to the purchasers of their securities the lifetime labor and tax revenues of every citizen of the United States/American with a Birth Certificate as collateral for payment. They only control the Persona not the living breathing flesh and blood man or woman. Please check your browser settings or contact your system administrator. ~ La Quinta Columna Vaccine [ Graphene Oxide (GO), Spike Protein and Viral mRNA ] Detox Protocols ~, MASKS DONT WORK (47 Studies)! Welcome To A.W.A.R.E, the Most Trusted Sovereign and Business Redemption Providers for We the People. What could they say? In other put "All documents relating to your U.S citizenship status". Thank you for your comment . I am also my own God. End of story, just as I told Mr. Trump in my first ever YouTube video about the National Credit, we live in a Zero Sum world, where every debt creates an equal and answering credit. The Treasury uses the loan to purchase a bond (the Fed holds a purchase money security interest in the bond) from the Department of Commerce, which invests the sale proceeds in the stock or bond market. "https://secure." The private banks that made up the Federal Reserve demanded their money and Roosevelt responded. Doing so sets you free to embrace your actual inheritance - freedom, land, soil, water, peace, your own assets and a share in all the wealth of all the world. It also would expect to be repaid, like any bank, with interest. About Us 4 views, 0 likes, 0 loves, 1 comments, 1 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Silas Chung: Man Bought Woman A House Before Relationship Fell Apart (Full. As I observed to the Popes minions, there hasnt been a Golden Jubilee Debt Forgiveness (the 50 year kind) in over 800 years. SOURCE: http://www.viewzone.com/collateral.html. ), the signature of the warehouseman, which may be made by his authorized agent(municipal clerk or state registrars signature). When a country needs more money it has to go somewhere also. Come on people, stir a little to show you are alive. When the Vatican puts up the gold for the birth bond, they are acting as a Bailor, just like a bail bondsman who accepts you posting bond to get out of jail. You don't have a birth certificate bond. We sometimes share our thoughts and opinions based on FACTS and well-researched topics. Once a state has registered a birth document with the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Department notifies the Treasury Department, which takes out a loan from the Federal Reserve. In short what can not happen to anyone rich or poor it can not happen to us. They have registered you and that is the title to your soul. Then the certificate is not valid by there rules? We are inventory. The STATE/GOVERNMENT are acting in fraud because they are benefiting from your birth certificate bond/trust. It kind of takes the steam out of your focus.dont it? It may appear to be your true name, but since no proper name is ever written in all caps (either lawfully or grammatically) it does not identify who you are. How to obtain my original birth certificate? You may collapse and nullify all your baptismal vows and contracts to any and all religious / spiritual institutions. Rumble The Vatican and your Birth Certificate. Powered by. Blog . In fact, your Social Security card is issued to you with your name in all capital letters which indicates chattel to a Corporation. Watch this 5 part series to understand how you are registered at birth, your name is a corporate entity, and how the western court system . A Municipal citizen of the United States a legal "PERSON" operating under your name, has a birth certificate bond. I have seen alot of conflicting or at least not congruant information. Because of their desire to control through their crusades and inquisitions, they decided they would create the first Express Trust, called "Unam Sanctum" which was written on a papal bull and placed in their vault. The Inquisition began because many people were waking up to the tyranny and oppression of the Roman Catholic Church in the early 1300's. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. This failure to forgive ancestral debt in this continuous cyclic fashion which was how this system was supposed to purge and renew itself has led to the unrestrained accumulation of insurmountable odious debt being foisted off on newborn babies. Anthony Zarrella Conservative Catholic, Attorney/Councilor, Constitutionalist Upvoted by David S. Rose This cycle is based on the future tax revenues of the legal person whose name appears on the Birth Certificate. The Vatican owns all title to all slaves via legality within the common wealth as England signed over title back before the . This kind of makes you feel a little different when you look at Federal Reserve Chairman, Nancy Yellen, doesn't it? He is registered in Birth Deaths and Marriages, which is the State. Ive heard parts of this before but this puts it all together especially with the picture of the birth certificate. This was easy to read, and although did not impart new knowledge for me, it put it together in a way that makes it very easy to share. Did they tell you you were signing a contract. WAR AGAINST BANKS BEGINS! Birth Certificates are issued so that the issuer can claim exclusive title to the legal person created thereby. You don't own yourself -- the Federal Reserve does. Unfortunately, if you don't know your blood type and hope your birth certificate will solve the mystery it won't. Your blood blazon is i important detail that isn't included in . And that bond, which allows THEM to exist and to operate, is no good news for THEM, either. DROUGHT SLAYERS THE NEXT GENERATION: FRANKENFLUTE And THE BEAST OF BRISBANE: U.K.s Office for National Statistics found, White House to set date for Covid vaccination of babies, Matthew Ward Message: The Lights Unstoppable Momentum, Archangel Michael: The Great Expansion of Consciousness and the Phoenix Eclipses April/May 2022, Life Tapestry Creations: The Pre-birth Void, The Angels: Sounding the Melodies of Love, Mike Quinseys Higher Self: What Lies Ahead, The 9D Arcturian Council: Help Arcturians Repair the 5D Crystalline Grid, Alien Caught On Security Camera Floating, Walking And Scaring Dogs, Wall Street Analyst Says Covid Vaccines Are the Greatest Fraud in History, Why A Daily Meditation Practice Is More Important Than Ever, Life Tapestry Creations: Confusing Contradictions, Solar Being: We Are Bringing the Light from this Portal, March Energies 2022; Compassionate Witnessing, The Council of Light: Surrender to What Is True for You, Saul: Disregard Fear and move Forwards Lovewards, The Star Elders, Ascended Masters: Dreaming the World Awake, 1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors Have Filed a Lawsuit for , COVID-19 VACCINE SIDE EFFECTS: 1,291 Reported Adverse Side Effects ~ WORLD SAFETY REPORT: PF-07302048, COVID-19 VACCINE WORLD SAFETY REPORT: PF-07302048 (BNT162B2): 1,291 Vaccine Adverse Event Diseases (Side Effects), HOW TO DETOX THE VAX! / World Economic Forum (WEF) Controlled White House Wants To Give The World VAIDS! On a Tombstone you will see the, name of your loved ones chiselled in ALL CAPS. To things become clear from this reading which first point is that a natural born citizen has "all Privileges" and can become president of the union of states with a capital in DC. If you think this has all happened by accident you are mistaken. Oddly enough as surely as those families and organizations who have worked this plan many times and on many continents down though the Ages. Evidence reveals that there is even a Federal Children Department established by the Shepherd/Townsend Act of 1922 under the Department of Commerce that appears to be involved in this process in some way. He had to use the only thing left of any value to pay the banks and continue doing business with them the citizens of our country. Within two weeks and three days each Certificate of Live Birth is to be filed in Washington D.C. There. Not to mention can a soveriegn even vote? Free yourself of contracts, vows and fealties across all lifetimes and dimensions, now! They are dead and so are you deemed the same all your, life. Hide it under our nose, and we won't even see it. The Birth Certificate Bond is an instrument of enslavement imposed on Municipal citizens of the United States. Our Republic system was designed to prevent it by placing the option of being a exempt citizen which are Article 4 Section"The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States". I hope there will be one or the other comment of serially numbered fellow slaves. You dont have a birth certificate bond. When a child is born, the hospital sends the original, not a copy, of the record of live birth to the State Bureau of Vital Statistics, sometimes called the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS). Development and appreciate and thank your patience through our growth progress `` Bond '' thing printed on that... 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Phil Scott Wife, Articles D